ANAFRA MeetPoint

You can finnally forget about confusion and chaos in meeting room reservations. ANAFRA MeetPoint is a solution for smart meeting rooms — a comprehensive system that seamlessly integrates our own reservation software with impressive PoE-powered hardware. The ecosystem is designed to make your meetings and booking of meeting rooms easier.

Fully Integrated with Your Calendar

It displays meetings scheduled in a given meeting room for the current day, including their title and organizer. Everything is fully integrated and synchronized with MS Exchange, Exchange 365, and other platforms. Best of all, when you create a meeting, it is registered in MeetPoint within a second.

No More „Oops, Sorry“

How many times have you accidentally walked into someone's meeting room? Thanks to the tablet at the meeting room, you can always see its utilization and current occupancy. The 360° lighting also alerts you if the room is occupied.

Enables Quick Reservations and Better Overview

With one tap on the tablet, you can quickly reserve a room. The application provides you with an overview of the room's capacity and equipment.

Requests Refreshments and Cleaning

Easily summons staff via MS Teams. With one click, you can request refreshments during the meeting or arrange for cleaning after it ends.

Jesteście gotowi wynieść swoje sale konferencyjne na wyższy poziom?

Nie traćcie cennego czasu i skorzystajcie z zalet MeetPointu. Chętnie bezpłatnie zaprezentujemy Wam demo aplikacji.

Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane zgodnie z Polityką prywatności.


With our solution, you're not just buying a product — you're investing in a comprehensive service that increases efficiency, productivity, and above all, your comfort. We take care of everything from installation to ongoing support.

We Take Care of Everything

We offer all hardware, installation, and system implementation — including commissioning of the server part — for 2 130 zł excluding VAT. The monthly fee  60  excluding VAT includes the license, updates, and dedicated support.

 I'm Interested in a MeetPoint Demo  

Take the first step toward better meetings and contact Ing. Gabriela Chumchalová.

Ing. Gabriela Chumchalová
IT Solutions sales director

+420 773 745 727